never give away the control you think you have, because when you stop thinking they have the control over you.
i'm gonna play both of you hard.

HALF BAKED with maria last sunday, woop woop!
HALF BAKED, dance dance dance!

Looking forward to the next one the 10th october...
wednesday work, after date with Hanna, tomorrow off, seriously have to fix my room, friday work, saturday work and sunday off = sunday up market. yes, yes!
give me a break.
remind me, please.
LONDON FASHION WEEK? its more about alexander mcqueens' memorial in st pauls cathedral than the actual fashion front row happening and collections. interesting. why will you always be more famous and make more money when you are dead? RIP alexander mcqueen.
the one & only Jackson Viking Hyrup Anderson.

I miss my family.
FENDI runway shoes AW09/10. this pair of black beauties will have premier out at a secret location this weekend. dance, dance, dance. yes, yes, yes!

hate them/ love them.
it takes seriously 10 minutes for me to get ready. up from bed to put on clothing and make up, and straighten my hair, finish of with ether agent provocateur maitresse or calvin klein euphoria.
ready for the day.
TOM FORD cherry lipstick is my new favorite, everyday in Fendi, every crazy london night out.

I'm feeling sexy under...
jimi hendrix
"you have to go on and be crazy. craziness is like heaven."
only 2 weeks left on the summer break then I'm back to uni and I'm a fashion business senior. work today, work tomorrow, yeah work all week and all next weekend. woop woop. though, considering to finish my room. e.g. finish `helmer´, put up curtains, move all the kitchen things from ikea to the kitchen, instead of being on the floor in my room...
pre-party at brick lane square. we ♥ bangladesh and what's hidden in the vintage bag is hidden in the vintage bag form a off license.


you only have a pre-party to get in mood for the bigger party HALF BAKED, hidden in the heart of shoreditch.

friday afterwork
yes of course. what else? SATURDAY was quiet, met up with emelie and had a early one so I was fresh and rested for SUNDAY...
i like my bed. its just so harsh to wake up and leave it right now. start work at 12, emelie want me to take a coffee at her job calvin klein first.. can't say no to that. UPP OCH HOPPA FRUKOST LOPPA!
working week in
had monday & tuesday off from work. been unpacking all my stuff, had two days at IKEA and I'm now considered poor after spend a bit too much on IKEA things. but my room is beautiful and I feel home, east, just off brick lane. yes. though, I'm looking forward to sunday when I get payed again and go to half baked with some pretty ones and do some serious dancing. give me a woop woop?
Maria is back in town. Maria a question, will you join me and some others for haft baked on sunday?

back in east. me and the cool easten boys...

yesterday in shoreditch...
two blonds met up in the heart of shoreditch to catch up after a long summer on different ways. hanna söderlund, the time is come, a good year. ♥


tvådagars på IKEA
POP ART - bryggkaffe

It was the first restaurant I went to in London two years ago when I moved here, and every time I go back its still as amzing as the first time. If you are a pizza lover, thin, crispy, lots of flavors and like interesting combinations or if you just love good food then just go to story deli.just off brick lane between café 1001 and big chill bar. amazing.

someone was very hungry and just couldn't get engough of the flavors of the beautiful pizza...

and because the pizza was so good she saved some food for later...

just do what I say and go there.
do you remember this one?
NOTHING IS LIKE WHEN YOU & A FRIEND START TO REMEMBER MUSIC THEY PLAYED WHEN YOU WENT TO HIGH SCHOOL DISCOS, LATE NINETIES EARLY 2000 SO TO SAY. and its very annoying when non of you can remember the songs name or melody. and a real friend is one who send you a text the day after with the band name...
from south to east london.
yessss, I'm back in east.
the way you feel under reflects how people see you.
oh ps. sonia working in agent provocateur down notting hill so order a sexy lingerie set from her, black lace.

the good thing working within luxury retail is that you and the people you know have a very good discount. have I told you about my fendi runways shoes? didn't think so... and my calvin klein watch which I will get within a few weeks? its getting hot, hot, hot. (spending my birthday money on right things.)
another weekend is over. yesterday after work I met up with Sonia at Eagles bar & diner for some american burgers and catch up. was suppose to go to south kensington for a italian dinner and some innocent parting with Emmie, but a quite one with a bedtime of 11pm was a perfect saturday night for me, especially after my random friday night...
stood up 7am this morning. packed the last things for my moving tomorrow morning from south to east, cleaned the flat for the new tenants and now work in fendi.
yesterday was fun. finish in fendi 6pm, going to calvin klein watches at south molton st. to see my dear friend and floor manager emelie. afterwork is a fact.
maria join us, emelie leave, flirts with random investment bankers (london is full of them...), say no to there offers. run in to new random guys at RED bar in soho, dance, dance, dance. mojito and flaming mo's. next place is BUREAU club, RED bars sister club. dance, dance, dance. new club & final club, KINGLY CLUB. drinks that include alcohol are now changed into water, until a man walks up to me in the bar, looking at sparkling water & put the comment - you are too beautiful to drink water. and order in a bottle of veuve clicquot yellow label with two glasses, for me & maria only. thats the way we do it in London.
felt fresh this morning opening the fendi store with my manager, two double espresso and a packages of mint before 12.30pm, ouuzzaa. did a mention 3.5h sleep?
drama queens.
can someone just explain for me why so many girls are in to drama? I just can't bother.
tapas and carlsberg with emelie tonight.
today is a day off. woke up because of the alarm 8am, 8.30am the phone rings, good news. love. went to asda, spent to much money on boring things. now, deep clean the flat and prepare tapas for tonight. 3pm, become beautiful.
VOGUE NIGHT, hot london fashion all over london, all day, all shops until 10pm.

last day with Johanna aka aquarium-worker it was sushi party at my flat. strongly recommend YO sushi home delivery, especially if you like wasabi...

have anyone tried ben and jerry's new limited edition flavour pistage?

from west end to east london...
nothing is more fab to put on your highest branded shoes & bring the girls down west end into VIP where the champagne flows BUT nothing is more fun & just so good to go down trendy east & be just enough fashionable with a pair of cool high heels with your friends & just drink pints.

what happens in the whiskey mist VIP room stays in the whiskey mist VIP room... if you don't have a phone so to say that can remind you.

a night out in west end at WHISKEY MIST VIP...
what can I say more than,
fun is the funniest there is.


girls in action...
it all started at the breakfast club...

30th august my birthday...
good birthday. birthday cake at Häagen-Dazs, bubbles next to the themes, pints at a traditional English pub and beautiful dinner at random restaurant next to the themes including mussels, vine and laughs with good friends plus during the day all congratulations through lots of different communication ways! thanks.

notting hill carnival london
WALKING ACCIDENT AT NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL! two young girls are too exited at notting hill carnival and walks into each other, huge crash. now the the london government want to encourage young people to not DRINK & WALK.