Ed Hardy launch at Westfield, Tuesday night. PS. Soon have all the christmas gifts ready form all the goodie bags!

So Emma, Mona and Ida is here in London for the first time, but just for a few days... The guide tour started already Tuesday night when a super drunk Nicole meet them at Liverpool st.
I went to a lunch for a Ed Hardy store at Westfield before I had to meet the girls. I drank a glass (to be honest, 2 glasses of wine...) then we got a free cab to the after party that was at Whiskey Mist and 2 more glasses of wine was a OH YES PLEASE. Some shots and calls later from Emma the time was come, the girls was at Liverpool st. and I was on a after party! I spend 20 good pounds on a cab to Liverpool st. to meet the girls.

£20 more on a cab home with the girls were I, the super drunk Nicole but in excellent mood, had some issue to talk... The cab driver continue ask me if I had any clue if we where on the right way, my answer: just keep driving!
I manage to tell them a little bit of London, plans for the days and scream of, THIS IS TOWER BRIDGE, you know the bridge Harry Potter overfly in the first movie?!
The day after the guide tour continued...


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