Back in London but not back in "the London night life".

Its fantastic to be back in London! Really love this city, full of opportunities and full of life. Can't really say that I have start living my life again that I had when I left for a long summer in Greece, but I guess its just a question of time... Been out partying once since I came back, went to Ministry of Sound after work a saturday... hard one! But i'm young and ready for a new fantastic day in east London after a brunch at The Breakfast club in old street.

Back in uni as well, have a feeling of a good year! Really motivated for uni this year so watch out! communication plus clubbing=me?
What else... memories from the summer in Greece is pooping up in mornings, on the bus, everywhere. Pall Mall st. in central London reminds me of Muggen playing the song about Claes on his guitar smoking a Pall Mall cigarette.

More is coming up, soon.


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