Saturday I where working at SADO fashion show at Vauxhall London Fashion Week through IFDG pr. Backstage, front row, designers, great friends & 14h in high heels, life is just too good! Ended up at a few parties after with a few cool people...

After the show Hanna & I went to a pub just round the corner of Vauxhall for a glass of wine, an hour later Mos & Frieda came along and we went to the SADO fashion after party at LUX. I was gladly surprised when the designer, Carlotta Gherzi recognized me, after all I didn't introduce me to her at the show, everyone was to stressed out. The SADO after party was exclusive and fun, chatting with Carlotta about her fashion, her fabulous shoes which is a must have!

A friend of Frieda joined us at LUX, and his friend... They took us to Il Bottaccio for a private house party, I'm in love with this house! A cool party, cool music, fantastic venue and cool people! After that we ended up at Mahiki, drinking Moet Chandon champagne cocktails served in a huge treasure chest and some other fabulous champagne cocktail served in a huge shell. Fantastic evening with fantastic people. Just one question to ask myself, where the hell have I been for the last two months and is Stockholm really a great idea?


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