″Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back, maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.″

So is that what the anchor in faith, hope & love stands for, never give up and continue beliving? Let go of the past and live in the present. In my case, never lose the hope of reaching my dreams. See the past as for what it was and learn from it, I mean it's not the destination, is the journey.

I still wear my great–grandmothers gold neckless around my neck with only the two symbols, hope & love, that my grandmother gave me this christmas. Around my left wrist I wear a bracelet in silver with small gold details saying love life, that my father I made for me. On my left wrist I also wear a simple gold Dolce & Gabbana watch that my mother gave to my at my 17th birthday. Jewelries can be a way to remember and don't forget the people that really loves you and are there for you when you far away from them.


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