a week outside gothenburg on one little island: family, good weather, amazing fresh fish including me in the kitchen, rosé wine, good laughs, irish coffee, board games and sunday everyday!

12kg fresh crayfish served in a swedish traditional way! ja tack! (swedish meaning, yes please.)

THE LIE BENCH. "the truth is something big, but the lie will always give you more money."

FIKA, the swedish word for spending lots of money and time with friends, family and colleagues over a coffee including eater a smörgås/ sandwich or a cinnamon bun. in this case a blackberry pie with vanilla cream and a small latté.

nikke nyfiken...

the greatest MOMMA in the world.

the one and only JACKSON hyrup viking andersson.

Postat av: momma o fredrik

Hej Strumpan!

Gud villka fina bilder vi står här och beundrar dig:)

Det var superkul att du kom och hälsade på, nästa gång är det vår tur:)

Puss & Kram

2010-10-08 @ 13:25:25
URL: http://nicolejacobsen.blogg.se/

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