last week was too much fun, back to reality and a bad cold this week!

on monday a started uni and ended up after at 1001 down brick lane with sonia for a coffee and catch up... on tuesday after uni I ended up having a glass with maria in soho... on wednesday after uni I ended up having a coffee with hanna in shoreditch... on thursday I ended up on a dinner with simone in soho and later a glass or two in shorditch...

friday I stayed in watching 'halv åtta hos mig' and 'dansfeber' on tv4 play. on saturday after work in fendi I ended up first at bonds with emelie for a quick glass and some practice on the pokerface...

and then later at a house warming party at hannas, jess and naemis...

sunday I had to work and I was suppose to go for another event after work but decided to stay in. now? I have a cold!


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