a pre-booked 2 adults return for £28 and an hour train ride later from London Victoria we arrived to...

down Kensington Gardens you have an amazing 'little' flee-market with everything, you can find everything there from vintage to antiques. like heaven I think.

a walk later and it was already 5 past 12 and the first sunday pint in the sun felt relevant and well deserved!

a pint later we walked down to the beach and coco butter oiled us self up! had a glass of wine and just enjoyed the beach for the wonderful thing it is and the fresh sea-air!

I know it's CHEESY but look, its Nicolesaurus ♥ Oliveratops next to each other!

A walk later by the beach we found a sea haze were we had some fresh oysters, octopus and  balt herring! So fresh, So cheap!

a beautiful day

which remind me about that I miss the beach. time to move were I have a beach and always 20 degrees?


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