Jess åh Jess in London town for a weekend full of fun because fun is the funniest there is.

She arrived in the eve, a meet up at Liverpool St then back to mine and I can't open the door, YES! A call to the landlord and 40 min later there are some food and wine on the table. DAMMI CINQUE!

First night out we ended up at the Joiners Arm's in Hackney, who did we found there? Nobody else then the best of them all, Georgio!

When we came home is unclear, maybe 5ish? The day after we went to look at Spitterfields Market, vintage & antiques. Then we got tired and ended up at The Owl & Pussycat just of  shoreditch high st...

After half of our second bottle red we got a bit hungry and went to Mien Tai at Kingslands Rd, Vietnamese!

East London is most fun but you have to see west London too, I prefer Soho or South Kensington but this time we went to Soho and met up with Maria and boys... unclear night!

The next day there were some time for the tourist party: Big Ben, London Aquarium & English pub...

LONDON AQUARIUM a must do experience: the famous SharkWalk.

Turtle Gang bang... the BIG happening of the tour.

1.5h hours in the aquarium and the sun went down and we had our first Bloody Mary...

Home, dinner, a few Corona and then a second pint of Bloody Mary at Broadway Market:

Later further down east to SO UP down Kingsland Rd, lets dance la underground! UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ we had a few bottles of sol..


We got tired after awhile and the time were already 4ish, time for the third (and fourth) and the best Bloody Mary at the Owl & Pussycat!

Then a beautiful finish of at Oliver's were two italians cook Mushroom Risotto for us served with a shot of Montenegro.


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